Mice in the House

gray rat

   In Cherokee County Georgia, During the cold winter months, small animals often seek shelter in homes and other structures.

One offender is the common field mouse. There are approximately 38 species of mice around the world. Mice have an excellent sense of smell can are actually more accurate than dogs at detecting scents. In fact, Israeli scientists have been working to train mice to work at sensing traces of bombs or dangerous chemicals as an airport security detector. As comical as that sounds, the research has been promising and the mice are more accurate than other detectors currently used. Mice are herbivores that typically consume fruits, seeds, and vegetables. However, mice adapted to urban environments will eat almost any type of food or scrap. Many cities have an epidemic due to large mice population, but suburban areas are at risk as well.

Every year, mice invade approximately 21 million American homes. These mice carry disease, contaminate food, and damage your home. Mice often enter into the residence by chewing holes into walls or through pipes. They will chew wire, books, furniture, and other materials in the home. Mice often shred soft items such as clothes or blankets to create scraps for nests. The frayed and chewed wiring that the mice leave is a fire hazard and could cause catastrophic damage. To make matters worse,  mice droppings are poisonous, create a bad smell, and can carry disease. If a mouse enters into your home, it will quickly reproduce and soon create a major infestation. It is important to call a pest control specialist if you see even one mouse in your home, often a large infestation is hidden somewhere that will continue to spread if not eliminated.


Mice often enter homes during the winter months or if their food supply is destroyed. They are seeking food and shelter and will often form nests wherever they break in. The female mice mature quickly, and annually produce over 100 offspring. Once mice infest a home, it is difficult to remove them. Contrary to popular belief, cats are not useful for mouse control, and the only effective method is the use of baited traps. Snap traps, catch and release traps, and poison are the major tools for mouse control. While it is possible to deal minor infestations yourself, it is usually easier to at least consult professional help.


To prevent a mice infestation, make sure to repair any holes in screens, windows, and walls in your home. Seal any possible openings that a mouse can exploit. It also helps to regularly take out trash and to store food in appropriate containers. Firewood or any other piles of materials should be stored away from the house. If you hear sounds late at night or suspect you may have a mouse infestation, call a licensed professional to inspect your home. At Canton Termite and Pest Control, we receive hundreds of calls during this season relating to mouse and other pest removal. We have years of experience, and will give you the best price for the highest quality service, guaranteed! If you think you have a mice infestation, or any other pest or insect, call us today at 770-345-0442! We’ll make sure that, this Christmas season, nothing is stirring, not even a mouse!

By: Tim

Mice in my house
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