Ladybugs are swarming, and it will only get worse with each cold snap that is followed by warm weather. There are many reasons for the swarm, and I’m here to help you understand the nature of these creatures.

  • Reason one: ladybugs are coldblooded. They seek a warm region to hibernate in order to reproduce, lay eggs, and survive. But how do they “swarm”, exactly? It’s right on the nose, actually.
    • Ladybugs don’t have noses, so that was a metaphor; however, when a ladybug finds a habitable location, it does release a chemical type known as a pheromone to attract the other ladybugs in its cluster. This pheromone is powerful enough to bring ladybugs back the next YEAR, so be thorough in cleaning any past locations of ladybug habitation!
  • Reason two: the ladybug insect is attracted particularly to natural wood siding. These home also frequently require repairs in order to maintain sealed interiors and siding, so be aware of these needed maintenance costs as a homeowner and anticipate getting annual inspections from both our pest service professionals as well as contractors experienced in home repair. If you have any questions about this you can call free of charge at 770-479-1598 for information on a free evaluation of your home from Canton Termite and Pest Control!
  • Reason number three: aggregation as a natural phenomenon. Aggregation refers to the cluster-hibernation tendencies of the ladybug, which is a survival mechanism of the species. There won’t necessarily appear to be a hierarchical organization amongst the swarming cluster, as ladybugs don’t really have queens or similar sorts of reproduction techniques. This cluster allows warmth to be shared and the location itself serves to provide food for the colony if wisely chosen.


There are plenty of ways to prevent ladybugs from entering your home, but quite simply the best way is to contact a professional pest control technician to perform an evaluation on your home for not only ladybug infestation prevention, but also any other pest or wildlife problem you may not even know about. Below are some tips from a previous article on home-remedied ladybug infestations, but we recommend giving us a call at Canton Termite and Pest Control, 770-479-1598. Have a blessed day!




Any cracks or crevices that you have in your home that allow outside access to the inside will be found. They reproduce quickly and smell funny when they die. They swarm during warm hours of the day all over the walls and windows (usually near where they entered, by the way). Ladybugs will consume pests that eat plants, which is actually beneficial to your gardens and yard; however, they are not nearly as effective in this when they are simply sitting on your walls and running into your light fixtures endlessly! Here are a few tips to help you get rid of any remaining ladybugs in your home and provide a positive outlet for their existence around your home.

  • Seal everything! Behind chimneys and around windows, by doors and where siding is on your walls, underneath wood fascia and any other openings. What do you seal with? Our suggestion is a silicone or silicone-latex caulk (watch for allergies if you have latex allergies, and use good-quality caulk).
  • If you need to get rid of existing and visible ladybugs, then whip out the vacuum and go to work! Getting rid of a current infestation can also be done by calling us here at CantonTermite and Pest Control 770-479-1598. We can also determine likely entry pathways of ladybugs and seal it for prevention of future infestation and maintenance of your sanity. (No, we aren’t counselors, but we’ve found that eliminating pests makes many people happy)
  • Ladybugs actually do NOT like citrus scents or citronella, so if you place this in areas where the infestation is serious, it might help reduce their presence.
  • Lastly, if you have a lot of plants inside which might have aphids on them (plant-eating bugs), then we would suggest watching closely while plants are flowering for any signs of aphids on your plants.
  • If you want to use an insecticide on them, select one that has pyrethrin as the active ingredient. Pyrethrin is a derivative of the chrysanthemum plant and is safer than permethrin, which is highly toxic to cats.


Facts about ladybugs that might be interesting:

  • They aren’t known to carry disease, and reports of bites are rare.
  • They don’t damage structures, and they don’t usually lay eggs indoors.
  • Ladybugs love to dine on aphids, which makes them very beneficial in the garden. (A single lady beetle may eat as many as 5,000 aphids in its lifetime.)
  • Harmonia axyridis, the Asian lady beetle, a large orange lady beetle that may or may not have spots. The segment over the head is white with a black ‘M.’ In the fall, aggregations of Asian lady beetles find their way into homes. The beetles are a nuisance and can ruin rugs and other furniture with their secretions. Fortunately, they do not breed or feed inside the home. (


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