Summer Pests in North Georgia

If you’re a Georgia resident, then you know we’ve been experiencing the heat of summer for more than a month now.


Outside of having to find some way to keep cool, homeowners also have another concern caused by the summer heat: how to deal with the sudden onset of pest activity.


It’s no secret that pests are more active during the summertime. For many different species, the warm weather allows them to thrive and establish large populations in and around your home. Further, recent rainfall has provided an ideal breeding environment for mosquitoes and can drive some ground-dwelling pests like cockroaches into your home.


But the pest I want to discuss today is neither of those two infamous invaders. While you won’t find many articles about it, I guarantee it is a pest you all know about. The pest in question, the June bug, can represent an unexpected threat to your landscaping if left unchecked.


But what exactly ARE June bugs? And in what way do they present a threat to my property?


While most people may think they have a pretty good idea what a June bug is, there are actually several different species of scarab beetles that can be referred to by that name. The most common species, however, is the Cotinis nitida, AKA the green June bug.


As their name might suggest, June bugs are most active during the month of June. During this time, you will often see large numbers of the adult beetles clustered on the walls of structures, particularly near to light sources.


June bugs feed on a variety of plant-based food sources. Some of their favorite snacks include rotting fruit, leaves, stems, and other plant-based material. This can sometimes lead to them feeding on your gardens or landscaping.


However, while the adult beetles can be an unpleasant sight in large numbers, the truth is that they do not actually pose a direct threat to your home.


But wait, I thought you said June bug infestations cause damage to landscape?


While the adult June beetles can feed on plants around your property, the damage that they cause is minimal, and most of the time you won’t notice it. However, the June bug larvae are a much different story.


June bug larvae are much more reclusive than the adult beetles. They live their lives underground, growing to about an inch in length. June bug larvae feed on the roots of grasses, trees, and other topiary. This can lead to negative impacts on the health of your vegetables, damage to ornamental plants, and dead patches in your yard.


June bug larvae can spread quickly if not handled well. Each female June bug is able to lay between 60-80 eggs at once, allowing a large population to establish itself relatively quickly. In addition to the threat that they pose to your plants, June bugs can also attract other common landscaping pests like moles. All in all, you definitely don’t want to take a June bug infestation lightly.


One Final Point: How do you tell the difference between Japanese beetles and June bugs?


Japanese beetles are another more infamous pest that can target shrubbery and other topiary. Both of these beetles are similarly sized and both also have a metallic body coloration. Due to these similarities in appearance, it can be difficult to tell the difference between certain species of June bugs and Japanese beetles. This can present a major problem since the treatment process for each pest is different.


For identifying the differences between these two pests, you should look at their wings and head when in doubt. Japanese beetles have reddish-brown wings with green heads. June bugs, on the other hand, have green colored wings and gold heads.


Hopefully, you’re a bit more prepared now to deal with June bug threats if they target your home. As always, if you have any pest problems or questions, the answers are always available at 770-479-1598! My team and I are standing by ready to provide fast, effective, and comprehensive treatment solutions to your pest problems!


Here’s to YOU living PEST FREE!


By: Tim

Summer Pests in North Georgia
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