I am often asked about spiders in basements that are not spiders at all.  They are actually cave crickets!

In crawl spaces, the cave cricket’s  habit of jumping on anything that moves can certainly startle a person .

I was looking for termites under a house in Ball Ground, Georgia, one day, when I pulled down some insulation overhead and about a thousand crickets dropped on my head. I’ve been at this job for 25 years, but that made me stop, drop, and roll!

Rhaphidophoridae includes the cave weta, cave crickets, camelback crickets, camel crickets and spider crickets.

Given their limited vision, cave crickets will often jump towards any perceived threat in an attempt to frighten it away. Although they look intimidating, they are completely harmless.

If you need help eliminating cave crickets in your home, call Canton Termite and Pest Control today at 770-479-1598 and ask for me, Tim McWhirter. I’ll be happy to speak with you.

Here’s to helping YOU live PEST FREE!


PS. Call Canton Termite and Pest Control today at 770-479-1598 for a FREE Pest Consultation and FREE Estimate!

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Canton Termite and Pest Control- Crickets
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