Spring has returned! The sun is out, the sky is blue, the birds are singing, the pests are buzzing! Wait! Pests buzzing? That’s exactly right. Though springtime brings back warm days and good weather, it also is a herald of the return of many pest threats.
Mosquitoes, termites, and other pests will soon be causing problems for homeowners here in Georgia, but that does not mean that all insects returning to your yard are pests. Some creatures are harmless, and sometimes even beneficial, to the health of your property.One such creature, the bumblebee, is a common resident in many yards and gardens.
But what exactly are bumblebees? And how can they be distinguished from more destructive bee species?
Bumblebees are often confused with carpenter bees due to their similarity in coloration and size. Growing up to an inch in length, bumblebees are slightly larger than honeybees.
Though they are similar in appearance, bumblebees can be distinguished from honeybees due to the prominent hairs on their abdomen giving them a “furry” appearance. In turn, they can be distinguished from carpenter bees based upon location. Bumblebees are usually found in gardens, clearings, or near to forested areas, while carpenter bees are usually on or near to wood.
Bumblebees are a social bee species. As such, they establish nests with hundreds of members. This usually begins during the late summer months, when the queen begins laying eggs that will hatch the new reproductive kings and queens of future colonies.
The new queens hibernate through the winter to escape the cold and then reemerge in spring. They begin to spawn the first generations of new workers. These workers are tasked with building and expanding the nest as well as gathering food for the queen.
Bumblebees consume nectar and pollen, and this will lead them to seek out sustenance from gardens and fields around your home. They will often be seen in the morning, flitting about from flower to flower.
If bumblebees are around your home, it should not be a cause for concern. These bees are very timid, and as such will only sting if they feel threatened. They are also often beneficial, helping to keep flowers and other flora in good health with their role as a pollinator.
Though bumblebees are rarely a problem for homeowners, a nest situated too close to the home could present an issue. Beyond this, it is also easy to misidentify other, more harmful bee species as bumblebees.
If you are seeing large numbers of bumblebees in and around your home, it is possible that the conditions allowing them to thrive near your harm could be exploited by other pests. Due to this, homeowners should consider calling in a licensed pest control service in response to significant bee activity.
A trained technician can inspect your property and identify the location of a bumblebee nest. From this information, it can be determined whether or not action is required to deal with the bees. Since bumblebees are a beneficial and vulnerable species, it is best to have an expert determine whether or not they represent a threat.
Here at Canton Termite and Pest Control, we have decades of experience treating pests of all kinds here in the Cherokee County, GA area! Our technicians employ a wide range of safe, targeted treatment approaches that are designed to remove a pest population in its entirety quickly and completely.
Bumblebees may not be a problem, but many pests are! Calling in a company that you can trust to do the job right will save you time, money, and frustration! Give us a call today at 770-479-1598!
By: Tim