
No one likes to think about roaches. They’re creepy crawlies that disgust us and make our lives objectively worse. You’re probably upset to even be reading about roaches right now and wish I would just talk about butterflies or bees instead.

But here’s the thing: the only thing worse than thinking about roaches is dealing with roaches IN YOUR OWN HOME.

If you’re unlucky, you may have had an unfortunate experience that goes something like this: You wake up, go int your bathroom to get ready and turn on the light. However, when you reach the sink… AHH! There’s a giant cockroach in your drain.

This naturally leads to a lot of panicked questions. Where did the cockroach come from? Are there more hidden somewhere? And if so, what should you do to deal with them?

If that’s you, and you’re reading this after quickly Googling for a solution, you’re in the right place! Without further ado, here are some answers to your pressing cockroach questions:

Where did the cockroach come from?

When you find a roach in your drain, it may seem intuitive to assume that it crawled up through the drain. However, this is rarely the case. Most drainage systems are simply too long and too thin for a cockroach to crawl up without drowning. they are also unlikely to come out ventilation or air systems since these are often closed networks and inaccessible.

Typically, large roaches like smokey browns or Red Wood roaches are external invaders. That is, they are exploiting an access point to get into your home, rather than coming from an internally established infestation. What this implies is the existence of a structural vulnerability around your home that pests can use to get inside.

Why is the roach in my drain?

So, if it did not crawl up through the drain, you might be wondering why the roach would be in your sink in the first place. The answer to this concerns one of the main reasons that roaches are attracted to homes in the first place: the presence of moisture.

Roaches of all kinds generally thrive in dark, moist environments. This is why they are right at home in caves and sewers. Since bathrooms, basements, and kitchens often have higher moisture content compared to other parts of your home, roaches will often congregate there.

Since roaches prefer to remain out of sight and in the dark, they will typically hide when daytime returns. This is why you often find them hiding just inside of the drain after you’ve turned on the lights.

Contrary to what you might think, roaches are not attracted to filth and squalor in any way. So there is no reason to feel that roaches in your home are evidence that you haven’t done enough to keep things clean.

How do I get rid of roaches in my home?

The diagnosis for your specific case largely depends on the species of roach in question. If the roaches have established an infestation inside of your home, rapid action needs to be taken to prevent their spread. Roaches are extremely hardy and tenacious pests, so you’re going to need professional expertise to ensure that you kick them out and keep them out for good!

If the roaches are coming in from outside, there is most likely some sort of crack or gap in the exterior structure of your home that needs to be identified and sealed. If the roaches are getting in, more pests might also exploit this avenue to get inside. With the cold weather returning, many pests will be seeking winter shelter, and you DON’T want your home to become a safe haven for pests.

Regardless of the nature of your roach problem, the first step you should take is to schedule an inspection of your home with a licensed pest control service. This will help to identify problem areas and track down exactly how and where roaches are getting into your home.

At Canton Termite and Pest Control, we have decades of experience dealing with roaches as well as an extensive variety of other insect and wildlife pests. Our team of experts is here to assist you and provide a safe, comprehensive, and effective treatment solution.

So don’t wait, make pest’s days in your home numbered by calling TODAY at 770-479-1598! We will be happy to assist you in any way that we can!


By: Tim

Big Bugs- Big Roaches
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