

Identification of Eastern Subterranean Termite Swarmer Termite swarmer, or alates, are reproductive members of the colony responsible for establishing new colonies. Key characteristics include: Color: Typically, dark brown to black. Size: Approximately 1/4 inch in length, including wings. Wings: Two

Fall March Flies

Fall March Flies in North Georgia: What You Need to Know As autumn settles in across North Georgia, you may notice small, black flies hovering in groups around wooded areas, especially near moist soil or rotting vegetation. These are likely

Ants control

Do it your self

Winter Time Ants “It’s freezing, and I have ants literally marching around my kitchen” are probably not phrases one expects to hear together. But what can I say? Weird things happen. So let’s look at this strange phenomenon and figure

Bats- Wildlife

Bats- Wildlife

It’s Getting Quite Batty Around Here! Fall is here…okay, it’s Georgia so who really knows what the weather is going to do? However, at some point, cooler weather will arrive and that means bats and other wildlife will begin to



Creepy Spiders of Georgia   When I think about Halloween and the spooky season, I can’t help but think about the creepy, crawly world of spiders. So join me as we explore the creepiest of the creepy spiders in Georgia!!

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