

Termites Termites, termites, termites! It’s that time of year again. Time to think about this expensive invader and make sure your home is protected. The peak season for termites usually begins in the South with the first days of warm


The wind whooshes by your ear as something flies way too close to comfort. You automatically cover your head as you look around and spot the culprit…a bat. As night falls, you’ve probably seen the dark shape of a bat

Termite Protection

Termite Protection

If I have household pest control, does that mean my home is protected against termites?   DON’T make this common mistake! While it might seem intuitive that household pest control treatments would deter termites, this is actually not the case.

Indianmeal moths

Indianmeal moths

Indianmeal moths Seeing small moths around your home? Your pantry may be at risk.   The occasional moth in your home most likely came from outside and isn’t anything to be concerned about. However, if you are seeing a large

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