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    Every year, pests of all kinds cause monumental damage around the world. In the United States, the termite alone causes approximately $5 Billion dollars in damage expenses every year. It would be almost impossible to calculate the total damage that pests of all kinds cause in the world. Beyond simply their economic impact, pests such as mosquitoes spread a variety of diseases that have caused millions of deaths and terrible suffering around the world.cropped-logo-SQ.jpg


In the United States, we are very fortunate to live in a place that is free of many of the most dangerous types of pests. However, pests still cause a many problems to the millions of homeowners and businesses in our country. These problems range from simply being an annoyance to costly damage to homes and other buildings.


It is very clear that pests are responsible for substantial damage. Because of this, it is important that those who deal with such pests be well trained and knowledgeable about all of the potential pests they might encounter may face as well as the best methods for dealing with those pests. Being able to solve pest problems in the safest and most efficient way is the most important skill in the pest control industry.


Every year, we are faced with new and unique problems. Diseases such as the Zika Virus are spreading at alarming rates with insects acting as the vectors. Crops that provide desperately needed sustenance and a livelihood for those in the agriculture industry around the world are at risk of being destroyed by destructive species such as the Japanese Beetles.


It is also important to note that many of species that can be considered pests have important roles in maintaining ecological balance in the world. While the primary goal of pest control is to solve pest problems, we all have a responsibility to protect and preserve our world. When dealing with pest problems, companies and technicians should always remain aware of the broader impact on the environment. Every pest control company should be committed to dealing with pests using methods with minimal negative impact on the environment.


german cockroach

Pest control is a broad and varied field. There are thousands of different potential pests that homeowners can face, all with different traits and specific challenges. In the decades that I have spent in the industry, I have gained a great deal of experience and insight into dealing with pest problems in a variety of environments and with various degrees of severity. I operate my business with the understanding that every customer that my team and I interact with is has unique problems that are of great importance. Because of that, understanding each customer’s problems and solving them in the best way possible is the ultimate goal of my business. In my opinion, good service starts with being able to empathize with the concerns of my employees and my customers. I work every single day with that goal in mind, and I consider being committed to that goal a requirement for every person who I employ within my company.


As the owner of Canton Termite and Pest Control, I take great pride in being the head of a company that provides an industry leading quality of service at an affordable price. Pests plague nearly every part of the world. Many homeowners have have first hand experience the frustration, fear, and expense that pests can cause. In some cases, these difficulties can be compounded when homeowners have difficulty finding a reliable pest control company. I have heard thousands of stories of people who have had to deal with companies with high prices, inexperienced technicians, and poor customer service.


When you have pest problems, you should not have to just hope that you get a good company, you should be able to use a company that you can trust to do the job right every time. For over 20 years, we here at Canton Termite and Pest Control have always striven to provide the best possible service for all of our customers. I believe that a business owner’s ideals are directly reflected in his company, and I am proud to lead a company that has a reputation of integrity, quality, and customer satisfaction.


To most people, pest control is probably not considered to be a particularly important profession. However, the damage and suffering caused Do it your selfby pests around the world is an issue of global relevance. For this reason, the research and work done by the pest control industry are necessary to counteract and minimize the problems that pests cause around the world. In the same way that doctors are responsible for treating every patient with the utmost care, I have always considered it a responsibility to solve any pest problem, big or small, with diligence and consideration. This philosophy has had an influential role in how I lead my company. For this reason, Canton Termite and Pest Control will always work towards the highest standards of quality in every aspect of our business.


When you call Canton Termite and Pest Control, you can always expect to receive the best service. Our team of highly trained experts who will work tirelessly to solve your problems with a focus on safety and quality, all at a fair, affordable price. Pest problems are frustrating enough without having to deal with a untrained or unreliable company, so when you need help with pests of any kind, you should choose the company that you know you can trust to do the job right!

So if you live in Cherokee county Georgia and have a problems with pests, there is no need to take a chance with a company you do not trust, call us today at 770-479-1598 and you can be sure your pest problems are behind you!


Here’s to YOU living pest free!

By: Tim

Pest Control in Cherokee County
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