Flying Termites!!!

  (and other reasons why you should care about swarm season)

Let’s be honest here, termites alone are bad enough, giving them wings is entirely unnecessary. Unfortunately, every spring that is precisely what Georgia homeowners are faced with.

What is the swarming season?


You can think of the swarming season as the colonial period of termites. During the early spring, winged alates (the princes and princesses of the termite colony) are sent out by the queen to mate.

Late in the evening on warm nights, these winged termites gather in large swarms to mate with the alates of neighboring colonies. The ultimate result of this process is a new termite colony within the vicinity.

And it is that final point that makes swarmers a threat to your home.

Swarmers are a sign of termite trouble:

Essentially, swarmers are the heralds of an oncoming termite threat. Where they visit, a new colony will follow. So if you are seeing swarmers around your property, you may already be at risk for a termite invasion.

Not only will these swarmers potentially create their own colonies, but their proximity also indicates that their home colony is nearby, which could put your home in immediate threat.

Swarmers aren’t the only part of the colony that’s busy:

While the swarmers are mating and building new satellite nests, the rest of the termite colony isn’t relaxing. Scavenging workers are most active during the spring and summer months. They will canvass the nearby area for any sources of cellulosic (wood-based) materials.


Unfortunately, odds are this will eventually lead them to your home.


Termites can cause extensive damage to your home in a relatively short period of time. Wooden framing, wallpaper, furniture, and even picture frames can become a meal for these tenacious invaders.


Left unchecked, termites can cause you thousands of dollars in damages and sometimes permanently lower the value of your home. In short, precautions against termites are well worth your while.

Keeping termites at bay during the swarming season:

Termites are extremely hardy pests, so you don’t want to take shortcuts with your treatment. Protecting your home starts with an effective treatment barrier around the exterior. This will stop scavenging workers in their tracks and control the population of the termite swarm.

Application of this barrier can take several forms, but the forefront of the market at the moment is the Termidor HP2 Injection System. This new system resolves a common homeowner complaint with older systems: trenching.

For other treatment options, it is often necessary to dig a trench around a foot deep around the exterior of your home. This allows for a product to be applied at the subterranean level termites populate. While this makes treatment more effective, it also can disrupt your landscaping.

The Termidor HP2 system solves this issue by using a powerful liquid injection system that can apply treatment down to the appropriate level from the surface. This completely eliminates the need for trenching.

The Termidor HP2 also has several other key advantages, including -Guaranteed effectiveness for 10 years!

-Faster and more efficient application

-Reduced environmental impact due to greatly reducing water consumption

-Less labor-intensive and more accurate due to an onboard computer calculating exact distribution quantities

It was immediately clear to me that the new Termidor HP2 system is a remarkable innovation for termite control, so I was quick to have Canton Termite and Pest Control adopt it. We are one of the first twenty pest control companies who have received access to the HP2 System, and we are ready to put it to work protecting your home!

If you have any questions about termite swarming, the Termidor HP2, or anything else pest control related, feel free to reach out to my team and me at 770-479-1598!

By: Tim

Swarming Termites in Canton Georgia
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