Do it yourself Sometimes, you might be tempted to think about pest control as little more than “spraying chemicals to kill bugs.” This might be due to the perception that a lot of pest problems seem to be solved simply
Pest Control in the Spring
Rainy Day:( Recently, the state of Georgia has been experiencing an unusual bout of rainfall. While this is certainly good news for flowers and gardens, it can spell disaster for pest security around your home. The truth is, increased
Bedbug Treatment
Bedbug Treatment A lot of discussions has gone into the identification and prevention of bed bug treatments. This is only natural, after all, it is better to prevent a problem in the first place than to deal with it
Pest Control Service- Silverfish
As we are still in the middle of winter, pest control and scheduling your next inspection may be far from your mind. While it is true that many of the most well known pests such as mosquitoes and termites are
Home Remodeling
Home Remodeling Remodeling your home can be a fun affair. There are a lot of options and details to consider, and it is important to do everything right to avoid having any difficulties or expense down the road. While most
Roaches in Cherokee County Georgia
German Roaches thrive in warm, humid environments. Parts of the home such as kitchens and bathrooms provide ideal locations for the roaches. The German roach is a scavenger, and can consume even the smallest amounts of food. They are also
Canton Termite & Pest Control – Silverfish pest
Silverfish There are several types of pests that are particularly good at remaining undetected while active inside your home. Of those pests, one of the most common is the silverfish. Silverfish are small insects. They are grayish-blue in coloration, and
New for 2017
As we move into the New Year, we here at Canton Termite and Pest Control have been tirelessly working to find ways to better serve our customers. One major innovation that we are introducing the in the New Year is
Cucarcha – Canton Georgia
Hay muchas diferentes clases de plagas que causan problemas en Georgia. Sin embargo hay unas pocas bien adaptadas para vivir dentro de las casas tales como las cucarachas alemanas. La cucaracha alemana es pequeña, es una plaga de color bronceado
Termite Letter
Termite inspection for selling a house. When you are selling a home in Georgia, it is important to have a Wood Infestation Inspection Report done for the property prior to closing. Generally, the lender prefers to see the report dated
Bugs-Canton Termite and Pest control
Bugs and You: Cockroaches, Flies, and other nasty pests It may not seem commonplace to throw your food away if a fly lands on it—rather, most people will swipe at the fly to get it to go away,
Pest Control in Cherokee County
Call the Exterminator! Every year, pests of all kinds cause monumental damage around the world. In the United States, the termite alone causes approximately $5 Billion dollars in damage expenses every year. It would be almost impossible
Termite in the yard? If you want to protect your home from termites, the best method you can use is to have a termite inspection every year. Your home will need a termite treatment every 5-7 years. This insures that
Big Mosquitoes ? Giant Mosquitoes- Crane flies
Crane Flies not a Mosquito – Canton Termite and Pest Control Crane flies are some of the more greatly misunderstood insects around. Appearing to most people as gigantic mosquitoes, they are quite often falsely accused of biting and
Family life Magazine- Canton Termite & Pest Control
Canton’s Hometown Exterminator Canton Termite and Pest Control has had the honor of being featured this month in the Canton Family Life magazine. As a small business owner, I recognize the value of community, and being able to work with
The Best Termite and Pest Control in Cherokee County
Your Hometown Termite and Pest Control Company. Marsha Mudrey Rating Review posted on Mar 21, 2016 Five stars plus!! As a customer of Canton Termite & Pest Control for many years, I can attest to Tim’s professionalism, integrity and top
Do it yourself pest control
Do-it-yourself pest control In my line of work, I have had numerous conversations with people, both friends and customers, who ask me about tips for Do-It-Yourself Pest Control. A quick Google search will reveal thousands of product ads, articles, and
NPMA-National Pest Management Month
National Pest Management Month We celebrate a lot of events in April. Birthdays occur, spring is upon us, school is almost out, Easter eggs pop up in the yard, and some celebrate Thomas Jefferson’s birthday! April is quite an interesting
Termites in Cherokee County Georgia
Eastern Subterranean Termite Inspection and control Subterranean termites are a species of termite that is the most widely seen in all of America. Higher concentrations of the subterranean termite population will be found in the southeast region, which of course
Pest Control service in Canton Georgia
Canton Termite and Pest Control often gets calls to control silverfish in private homes. The first sign of this insect is when you find holes in clothing and paper goods such as books. Family: Lepismatidae, Silverfish Description 3/8-1/2″ (9-13 mm).